green forest to relax and feel at peace and recovery physically and mentally

How to Optimise Recovery Fast

Aschton Hansen

Your Comprehensive Guide on How to Optimize Recovery Stress + Recovery = Growth! This applies to all forms of growth - physical, mental or emotional. The problem is that we...

athlete grabbing fluids from marathon aid station

⁠Marathon Fuelling Guide: Essential Nutrition Tips

Aschton Hansen

Improve your marathon nutrition. Understand what, when and how to fuel and hydrate before, during and after your marathon with these fuelling and hydration strategies. Train hard and fuel smart...

oats and fresh fruit fuelling for sports carbohydrates electrolytes

How to Fuel for your Sport

Aschton Hansen

How to Fuel for your Sport For the longest time, athletes prioritised training for their sport and fuelling was a secondary consideration. Yet, fuelling can give you the edge and...

trail runner resting sweating drinking active vita drink mix electrolytes

How to work out your sweat rate

Aschton Hansen

Our sweat mechanism is our natural and most efficient way of cooling our body down. When our bodies heat up and reach a threshold we begin to sweat.  Sweat rates...